The Keats-Shelley Association of America Blog
Our blog features a range of posts on the topic of Romanticism, including commentary on current news items; dispatches of official K-SAA business and descriptions of our initiatives; calls for contributions; event notices; publication announcements, and more.
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NYPL acquires rare “Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,” P.B. Shelley’s first book of verse
Elizabeth Denliger, curator of the Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle at the New York Public Library, has announced the acquisition of Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire (1810), the first book of verse published by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Known to exist in only three other copies worldwide. Denliger calls it "a black tulip, one of the rarest items in the Shelleyan world." Co-authored with his sister Elizabeth, Original Poetry, says Denliger, is evidence of "Shelley's early and powerful urge to publish" and his "inclination to literary collaboration."