Arts & Public Engagement Award

We are proud to announce the establishment of the K-SAA Arts & Public Engagement Award. We have long recognized distinguished scholars for their career-long contributions. Now, we are excited to turn to honor those artists, teachers, and practitioners whose work enriches both scholarly and public cultures.

We seek to recognize practitioners in the public humanities who, through the study of and reflection upon Romantic texts, have made contributions to the public through social engagement and the arts in any media (music, visual arts, digital arts, etc.) We define “practitioner” as someone who has produced innovative pedagogy or creative contributions that go beyond standard classroom work. This may be an artist, community leader, teacher working in any and all forms, media, or genres. It will be an added benefit and consideration if the practitioner’s contributions resonate with our annual Public Outreach Theme (2023: Commonplacing). The award highlights and honors the diverse ways people are highlighting Romanticism beyond the university classroom.

We welcome the awardee to collaborate with the K-SAA in any ways they find meaningful, especially expanding upon our annual public outreach theme. As this is not a residency, the awardee’s only obligation for receiving the award is committing to a May presentation (which may take the form of a podcast interview, short video, digital collection of artwork, Zoom presentation, or similar; and providing a 450-word description of their engagement with our artistic-critical question or artistic processes).

Please submit nominations here along with a commendation limited to 250-words and an optional weblink of sample work. Nominations will be received until February 15. The award will be announced and presented annually at the May Members Meeting.