K-SAA Membership Drive 2023

As you may have noticed on our social media pages, we have been sharing some of our most recent and upcoming initiatives as part of our membership drive. During this short period, your new or renewed membership will come with a beautifully designed sticker (pictured above) containing a quotation by Keats. Please visit our Membership page for more information, and considering gifting a membership to Early-Career Researchers you know who may benefit from our Mentoring program

K-SAA depends upon the generosity of its members. We’re always busy planning our next set of activities, working with our dedicated Communications Team and external partners to promote the study of Keats, the Shelleys and their contemporaries within and beyond the university classroom. Your membership dues will help sponsor K-SAA’s expanding docket of initiatives. 

Here’s some highlights of the work (links included) we have been working on—more to be revealed in the coming days! 


CFP: NASSR 2024 Romantic Insurrections / Counter-Insurrections, August 15-18, 2024 Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


K-SAA New Podcast Series “Global Mapping of Romanticism”